New Zealand Geotechnical Society Auckland Branch Christmas Symposium

New Zealand Geotechnical Society Auckland Branch Christmas Symposium

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In early November, the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Geotechnical Society announced the Auckland Christmas Symposium to be held on the afternoon and evening of 30th November. The organisers suggested presentation topics, and one that caught my attention was “Application of the Good Cheap Fast Rule in geotechnical engineering – Auckland examples”. I had not heard of this Rule, but Google helped me get up to speed on that. We had been working with an Auckland engineer on a slope stability problem, and were familiar with the valuable public data sets that are available. Could we show that using TSLOPE was an example of this Rule? The paper was titled “A good and fast slope stability analysis system for use in Auckland”, co-authored with my colleague Peter Wood. The organisers are to be congratulated on a successful meeting. There were a number of very well presented and interesting papers. If anyone would like a copy of our presentation, please let me know. Our conclusion was that TSLOPE met all three requirements – Good, Cheap, Fast. However if we are to satisfy the Rule, then we need to make a change to “Cheap”. Either we can increase the cost to use TSLOPE, or the innovative engineers who use the program can set a higher fee for their professional services. We look forward to your feedback.