I was pleased to be able to attend Presentation Day on Saturday October 12 at Auckland University for Part IV Research Projects, where final year Civil and Environmental Engineering students present their research findings undertaken as partial fulfilment for the requirements of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree. We have been helping two of Dr Larkin’s students, Emma Young (left) and Olivia Jordan with their study of the Abbotsford landslide. The Abbotsford landslide occurred back in 1979, near Dunedin in New Zealand South Island, and was intensively investigated and reported on at the time. TAGAsoft had earlier made a TSLOPE model of the landslide, and Emma and Olivia worked with our model to test the hypothesis that static liquefaction of the Green Island sands contributed to the slope failure. They prepared the poster shown titled “An investigation of static liquefaction in the Abbotsford landslide”, and gave a very good presentation of their findings.